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当前位置:计算和应用数学中心 >> 学术交流 >> 学术活动 >> 学术报告:Some new advances on modeling and algorithms development of multiphase complex fluid system using the phase field method


学术报告:Some new advances on modeling and algorithms development of multiphase complex fluid system using the phase field method

报告人: 杨宵锋助理教授



报告题目:Some new advances on modeling and algorithms development  of multiphase complex fluid system using the phase field method






报告摘要: We present some efficient modeling approach for the two
phase complex fluid system, that is the mixture of nematic liquid crystal drop
and viscous ambient fluids. Similar approach has been applied to the two phase
fluid system with variable density and viscosity, The models, derived by
employing an energetic variational phase field approach, are  thermodynamically consistent that admits an
energy dissipation law.Some decoupled, linear, energy stable schemes are
developed to solve the models efficiently.Qualitative agreements with
experimental results are observed.


报告人简介:杨宵锋,南卡罗纳大学助理教授,2001年硕士毕业于中国科技大学,2007年博士毕业于美国普渡大学,师从沈捷教授, 2007-2009年于北卡罗纳大学做博士后,2009起任职于南卡罗纳大学。主要研究方向有: Multiphase Complex fluids, Cell Fusion, Cell Oscillation