报告人: 香港科技大学数学系 錢鐵錚教授
报告题目:Modeling and simulations of moving contact line: From binary mixtures to one-component liquid-gas systems
报告时间:2012年5月17日,星期四 16:00 pm - 17:00pm
I will report our recent works on diffuse-interface modeling of contact line motion at solid surfaces, from binary mixtures to one-component liquid-gas systems. For binary mixtures, we derive our continuum hydrodynamic model through a variational approach based on the Onsager principle of minimum energy dissipation, with the slip boundary condition derived along with equations of motion in the bulk. Numerical predictions of our model show remarkable quantitative agreement with molecular dynamics simulation results. For one-component liquid-gas systems, the dynamic van der Waals theory has been presented for one-component fluids, capable of describing the two-phase hydrodynamics involving the liquid-gas transition [A. Onuki, Phys. Rev. E 75, 036304 (2007)]. We use its hydrodynamic equations to describe the continuum hydrodynamics in the bulk region and derive the boundary conditions for dissipative processes at the fluidsolid interface. The positive definiteness of entropy production rate is the guiding principle of our derivation. Numerical simulations have been carried out to investigate the dynamic effects of the newly derived boundary conditions, showing that the contact line can move through both phase transition and slip, with their relative contributions determined by a competition between the two coexisting mechanisms in terms of entropy production. The observed competition can be interpreted by the Onsager principle of minimum entropy production.