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当前位置:计算和应用数学中心 >> 学术交流 >> 学术活动 >> 学术报告:Topics on electromagnetic scattering from cavities


学术报告:Topics on electromagnetic scattering from cavities

报告人:Wood Aihua教授



报告题目:Topics on electromagnetic scattering from cavities


报告时间:20121231(星期一 ) 上午8:40




报告摘要:The analysis of the electromagnetic scattering phenomenon induced by cavities embedded in an infinite ground plane is of high interest to the engineering community.  Applications include the design of cavity-backed conformal antennas for civil and military use, the characterization of radar cross section (RCS) of vehicles with grooves, and the
advancement of automatic target recognition.  Due to the wide range of applications and the challenge of solutions, the problem has been the focus of much mathematical research in recent years. 

This talk will provide a survey of mathematical research in this area. In addition I
will describe the underlining mathematical formulation for this framework.
Specifically, one seeks to determine the fields scattered by a cavity upon a
given incident wave. The general way of approach involves decomposing the entire
solution domain to two sub-domains via an artificial boundary enclosing the
cavity: the infinite upper half plane over the infinite ground plane exterior to
the boundary, and the cavity plus the interior region. The problem is solved
exactly in the infinite sub-domain, while the other is solved numerically. The
two regions are then coupled over the artificial boundary via the introduction
of a boundary operator exploiting the field continuity over material interfaces.
We will touch on both the Perfect Electric Conducting and Impedance ground
planes. Results of numerical implementations will be presented.