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研讨会:Mini-Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Computations

Time :  July 14, 10:00--12:00
Venue: 海韵校区实验楼 105


10:00, Professor Shuchuan Dong, Purdue University

Exploring the Secret of Turbulence with Numerical Simulations: Issues,
Challenges and Algorithms


The turbulent motion of fluids has captured the fancy of observers of nature for most of recorded history.  from howling winds to swollen floodwaters and from falling leaves to the swirls of steaming coffee, turbulence constantly competes for our attention and has constantly challenged the human quest for authority over the world around us.

Since the first computation by Orszag & Patterson with a Fourier spectral method nearly four decades ago, numerical simulation has become a primary, and arguably the most powerful, tool in the scientific arsenal to tackle the turbulence problem. Turbulence simulation at high Reynolds numbers in complex flow geometries is the envy of computational fluid dynamics. But achieving it demands significant advancements of the fundamental computational techniques to overcome serious challenges. In this talk we will focus on three of the challenges -- time step size constraint, algorithmic scalability, and parallel scalability -- and outline approaches that can potentially overcome these challenges.

11:00, Professor Min Chen, Purdue University

Boussinesq systems for water waves


In this talk, I will present joint works over the years on the existence and stabilities of special solutions, which include solitary wave solutions, cnoidal wave solutions, standing wave solutions and  two-dimensional wave patterns,  for a class of Boussinesq systems.  The techniques used in the existence results include, but not limited to, perturbation theory and topological index theory. Numerical simulations designed to gain more on tsunami and wave patterns will be carried out  and compared with theoretically results and fields data.  

11:30, Professor Li-Lian Wang, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore

Fast high-order methods for time-domain wave scattering with exact nonreflecting boundary condition


In this talk, I shall present a fast spectral-Galerkin method and Newmark's time integration for time-dependent wave scattering with exact Dirichlet-to-Neumann non-regflecting boundary condition (DtN-NRNB). Our emphasis will be put on the efficient treatment for the NRNB, which is global in space and time and has been a longstanding obstacle for time-domain computations.