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当前位置:计算和应用数学中心 >> 学术交流 >> 学术活动 >> Seminar: Higher order dimensional splitting with integral deferred corrections with applications in Vlasov equation


Seminar: Higher order dimensional splitting with integral deferred corrections with applications in Vlasov equation

Speaker: Prof. Jingmei Qiu
              Mathematical and Computer Science, Colorado School of Mines

Title:   Higher order dimensional splitting with integral deferred corrections with applications in Vlasov equation

Time:    Thursday June 23, 16:00 pm - 17:00pm

Venue:   B703


We apply the very high order Strang split semi-Lagrangian WENO algorithm for kinetic equations. The spatial accuracy of the current Strang split finite difference WENO algorithm is very high (as high as ninth order), however the temporal error is dominated by the dimensional splitting, which is only second order accurate. It is therefore very important to overcome this splitting error, in order to have a consistently high order numerical algorithm. We are currently working on using the IDC framework to overcome the `at best' second order Strang splitting error. Specifically, the dimensional splitting error is overcomed by iteratively correcting the numerical solution via the error function, which is solved by approximating the error equation. We will show numerically that if one embeds a low order dimensional splitting algorithm into the IDC framework, there will be order increase when one applies a correction loop in IDC algorithm with care. Applications to the Vlasov-Poisson system will be demonstrated.