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当前位置:计算和应用数学中心 >> 学术交流 >> 学术活动 >> 学术报告:Computational research in science and engineering


学术报告:Computational research in science and engineering

Time:      Aug. 9, 15:00

Venue:    海韵实验楼105

Speaker:  Wei Cai, Dept of Mathematics, UNC Charlotte and Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong Univeristy

Title:       Computational research in science and engineering Abstract: In this talk, we will use research problems in biology and physics and engineering to show how computational simulation can contribute to their solutions. Examples will include Columb many body problems in biomolecular solvations, electromagnetic problems in the VLSI design of microchips at nano-scale, and the chemical mechanics polishing in chip processing, etc.