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当前位置:计算和应用数学中心 >> 学术交流 >> 学术活动 >> 学术报告:Spectral Sparse Grid Method for High-dimensional PDEs


学术报告:Spectral Sparse Grid Method for High-dimensional PDEs

报告人:Professor Haijun Yu

           Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engeering Compating

报告题目:Spectral Sparse Grid Method for High-dimensional PDEs

报告时间:2012年11月1日星期四   16:00 pm - 17:00pm




Sparse grid is a special discretization for high-dimensional problems. It is first introduced by S.A. Smolyak in 1960s for the integration and interpolation of tensor product functions. During the 1990s, C. Zenger et al. extended it to solve high-dimensional PDEs.  The commonly used sparse grid bases are Fourier bases for periodic problems and linear finite element bases for non-periodic problems. In this talk, we introduce Chebyshev sparse grid method for solving non-periodic PDEs and apply it to solve the electronic Schrodinger equation.